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  • Writer's pictureLuciano K.

Ensuring Fairness: The Do’s and Don’ts of Technology in Tenant Screening and Housing Advertising

Updated: Jun 17

In the evolving landscape of property management, staying updated on regulatory guidelines is crucial. Recently, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released essential documents outlining the do’s and don’ts of using technology in tenant screening and housing advertising. These guidelines are pivotal for maintaining fairness and compliance in your practices.

Importance of HUD’s Guidelines

The HUD’s best practices guidelines reinforce the Fair Housing Act’s principles, focusing on preventing discriminatory uses of artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies in tenant screening processes. These guidelines aim to eliminate all forms of discrimination in housing, addressing long-standing obstacles to housing equity.

Preventing Discrimination with Technology

With the advent of new technologies, such as AI, in tenant screening and housing advertising, it is essential to implement fair, non-discriminatory, and transparent policies. The guidelines emphasize that third-party companies, including those using AI, must comply with the Fair Housing Act to ensure all applicants are evaluated on their own merits.

Key Do’s and Don’ts in Tenant Screening

To help you navigate these guidelines, here are some key do’s and don’ts for using technology in tenant screening and housing advertising:


1. Do Ensure Transparency: Clearly communicate your tenant screening criteria and processes to applicants. Transparency helps build trust and ensures applicants understand how decisions are made.

2. Do Use Consistent Criteria: Apply the same screening criteria uniformly to all applicants. Consistency is vital to avoid unintentional biases in the screening process.

3. Do Regularly Review Screening Practices: Periodically review and update your screening practices to ensure compliance with HUD guidelines and to reflect any changes in technology or regulations.

4. Do Provide Applicants with Access to Their Data: Allow applicants to review the information used in their screening and offer a process for disputing inaccuracies. This practice promotes fairness and accuracy.

5. Do Train Staff on Fair Housing Laws: Ensure all staff members involved in the screening process are well-versed in Fair Housing laws and understand the importance of non-discriminatory practices.


1. Don’t Rely Solely on AI: While AI can be a helpful tool, it should not be the sole determinant in tenant screening decisions. Human oversight is necessary to ensure fairness and context in decision-making.

2. Don’t Use Discriminatory Criteria: Avoid using criteria that can disproportionately affect certain groups, such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability. This includes indirect criteria that may have a disparate impact.

3. Don’t Overlook Data Accuracy: Ensure the data used in AI and other technologies is accurate and up-to-date. Inaccurate data can lead to unfair decisions and potential legal issues.

4. Don’t Ignore Applicant Feedback: Listen to applicants’ concerns about the screening process and be willing to make adjustments to address valid points. Ignoring feedback can perpetuate unfair practices.

5. Don’t Neglect Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your screening processes and technologies to identify and rectify any discriminatory practices or biases.

Implementing HUD’s Guidelines

Implementing these best practices is essential for property managers to deliver excellent service and maintain compliance with the Fair Housing Act. By adhering to HUD’s guidelines, property managers can ensure that all housing applicants receive fair and equal treatment.

As a Property Manager, staying updated on regulatory changes and best practices is core to the efficiency and fairness of your work. The HUD guidelines on the use of technology in tenant screening and housing advertising are crucial for maintaining compliance and promoting equity.

At 360 Apartment Renovations, we understand the importance of these guidelines and are committed to helping you as Property Managers navigate these requirements and succeed in your roles. Our team is equipped to help you with anything else that you may need at your property from Apartment Turns, to Upgrades, and Full Renovations.

Ready for us to support your needs at your Property? Contact 360 Apartment Renovations today to learn more about our comprehensive services.

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